What You Need to Know About Veterinary Surgery Once Your Dog Is Diagnosed with Cataracts

3 January 2022
 Categories: , Blog

A good number of people associate cataract surgery with humans, which is unsurprising when you consider that most cases are reported among the elderly. However, this visual impairment is not limited to scenarios nor is it limited to humans. Depending on various factors, your dog could be diagnosed with this disorder, and you will likely need to schedule veterinary surgery for your pup.

The first thing you should know about canine cataracts is that some breeds are more vulnerable to developing this vision impartment than others are. For instance, if you have a golden retriever, your pup could need this surgery at some point down the line due to their genetics. Another reason why your animal could require cataract surgery is if they have an underlying medical condition such as diabetes. The increase in blood sugar in diabetic dogs can interfere with the fluid balance in their lenses, causing a cloudy film to form around the eye lens.

To help you prepare for what to expect, here is what you need to know about veterinary surgery once your dog is diagnosed with cataracts.

Is it mandatory to schedule veterinary surgery immediately after cataract diagnosis?

Not many pet owners would jump at the chance to take their animal in for veterinary surgery, and, as such, it is normal to want to postpone this procedure for as long as possible. Nonetheless, what these homeowners are not taking to into account is that the longer the cataracts are left to worsen, the lower the quality of life of their dogs. Opting for veterinary surgery at the onset of these cataracts will be less stressful for your animal, as the procedure will be quick and minimally invasive since cataracts have not matured. Moreover, when the cataracts are newly developed, the eye lens will have retained its malleability, so excising them will not be as complex as it would be when working on hardened lenses.

What risks will be posed to your pet during veterinary surgery for cataract removal?

Certainly, all types of surgeries, whether on animals or humans, come with a certain degree of risk. Cataracts surgery, in particular, can lead to complications such as severing the retina or, in some cases, the onset of glaucoma due to changes in eye pressure. However, this does not mean that you should disregard the importance of veterinary surgery, and these complications are exceedingly rare. Rather, to minimise potential threats to your animals, you must be stringent about adhering to the post-operative directions that the vet will furnish you with. For example, you will need to schedule follow up visits with the veterinary surgeon, and you must not skip any of these appointments. Secondly, you should not remove your dog's post-surgical cone under any circumstances until the veterinary surgeon gives you clearance to do so.
