3 Tips For Caring For Your First Litter Of Puppies

30 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When you find yourself caring for a litter of newborn puppies, you will likely soon realise that there is more to keeping them healthy than ensuring they stay with their mother. Puppies should be examined by a vet within a couple of days of being born, but being responsible for several little lives can still be overwhelming. Here are three vital tips for caring for newborn puppies to ensure you start off on the right foot: Read More 

How to Keep Your Dog Safe From Algae

27 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Generally, algae are perceived as a relatively harmless eyesore. However, certain strains of it can be very dangerous. Blue-green algae are one such variety. It's toxic to both humans and animals, causing serious and potentially fatal damage to the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and nervous system. Pet dogs are at particularly high risk because they're more likely to come into contact with infected water than human adults who know better. Read More 

4 Reasons You Should Get Your Cat or Dog Desexed

27 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you have recently purchase a new pet dog or cat for the first time, you may be wondering if you should get them desexed. While desexing can seem like a cruel idea, it can in fact drastically improve your pet's quality of life. Read on to find out why you should book an appointment with your local vet clinic to get your cat or dog desexed. Desexed animals can be healthier Having your pet desexed can help to protect them from certain illnesses which affect the sex organs, such as uterine infections and breast cancer in females and prostate cancer in male animals. Read More 

Why You Need to Factor Pet Grooming Costs in When Looking at the Cost of Dog Ownership

26 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Frequently, when people think about buying a puppy, grooming costs are the last thing they factor into their dog-ownership budget. It's often seen as a frivolous extra that isn't essential. Perhaps the reason for this mindset is that many assume it to be on a par with a visit to a hair salon for a human — it's good to have a nice haircut but not essential to your health. Read More 

3 Top Pet Calming Techniques During Treatment Procedures

2 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

As a veterinarian looking to start a private practice that is fully equipped with surgery services, you must understand the level of anxiety that pets and pet owners go through as they prepare for treatment procedures. And the truth is that it is difficult to operate on an overly anxious pet. Since different types of surgeries vary in complexity, keeping a patient as calm as possible is vital. The good news is that there are calming techniques that veterinarians can use to ensure a successful treatment procedure. Read More